Indoor Vertical Farm

Contact us

  • Global Investments Management Corp Pty Ltd
  • ACN: 160 177 579
  • Suite 203/L2, 144 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150
  • PO Box 130 Macarthur Square, NSW 2560
  • +61 410 664 335

At our indoor vertical farm, we employ cutting-edge technology to revolutionize agricultural practices. By utilizing vertical space and employing hydroponics or aeroponics systems, we maximize crop yields while minimizing land usage. 

Our controlled environment ensures optimal growing conditions, free from pests and adverse weather, resulting in consistently high-quality and pesticide-free produce. With sustainability at the core of our operations, we strive to reduce water usage and eliminate chemical fertilizers, making our vertical farm an eco-friendly solution for the future of food production.


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